K Grass Business Consulting Blog

8 Simple Ways to Make Your Blog Better
If you have talent as a writer, blogging is a great way to let the public see your knowledge and expertise in any field. Being a skilled writer however is not enough to make your blog truly great. The following are ways that you can raise your blog from good to great!...

List Building Tips 101
It is estimated that it takes 7 to 10 times before a person will buy from you. This is because of the know, like, trust factor. A great way to get people to know you and your business better is for them to read your content, both online and through your newsletter. In...

Pink Spoon Marketing
If you have ever been to a Baskin and Robbins you will remember the famous Pink Spoon. I am talking about when you can’t make up your mind on which one of the 31 flavors you want to get. So they give you a Pink Spoon to help you decide between your two favorite...

Why a Business Backup Plan is Crucial
You have worked very hard to get your business where it is today. It took time, sweat and tears but you are now holding your own. You’re not just treading water anymore, your swimming! If this is you, congratulations!! After all the hard work you put in, wouldn’t it...

10 Things You Should Think About When Setting Goals
Do you set goals for your business? This is a question that you should take very seriously. Goal setting helps a business owner accomplish two specific things. The first thing that it does is it breaks down a huge task into smaller bite sized pieces. Let’s face it, running a business is hard. We all want to get rich and big. We want our business to grow at a fast pace and we want to enjoy the ride all the way to the top. Well, this is easier said than done, and there are about a million little steps that need to be reached before we reach the “top”. No one makes a to-do list that reads, “Get big, rich and powerful”. A persons list may have things like expand online presence, go to a networking meeting or call that potential client. These are small goals that need to be reached. Slightly larger goals should be set above these little goals like, gain 2 new clients this month.

Article Marketing and How it Can Help Your SEO
There are several critical components to article marketing. Here is a general outline of what they are and what they should contain: